Pickaxe qu

So we find lots of oddities, if you go world hunting.

I found these all at Max level …

There are so many i started thinking hacked or duped - athough why dupe a relatively cheap item

I tried one on a nearby tree it’s level dropped to 4999 so seems normal …

Just thought I’d share …

Why have soooo many of these ??

If any current players on the forum want one let me know I’ll drop it in a donations box for you

They look suspicious…

Mmm i thought similar

But when i look back at what I’ve found in random unbuilt worlds it’s quite incredible!.

They seem normal and don’t have any obvious hack … i guess trying one in a mine to check it’s gem drop rate would be the final tell

I don’t mine ! However i will try one in there. I have a mining achievement to do and have a bunch of keys and picks anyway …

Laters on that …

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You get them for free when you start the game.

Or this guy might buy them for cheap and sell for expensive (i see new people doing it for c pickaxes)

if for you those raise suspicion then you didn’t see these yet


:face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:


Not 16 you don’t !

I’ve found loads of the crappy pickaxes in my time but they are nearly always used or part used.

I sell or give them away … if you get your timing right close to a 100bc…

It’s really annoying you can only carry one at a time … which is why I dropped a lock on them and left them there, it’s a valueless unspoilt world…

I’m not selling these until I’ve tried one …

can i have 1 ?

Somebody creating many new accounts and get them for free, then he drop it at some world. After that he come with main acc and take them all to sell in pwe

You can only carry one at a time… But yeah maybe

Yes but you can create so many accounts as you want

Creating too many accounts just feels messy, in my opinion.