Platform kicks you out of the game

When jumping or using jetpack and going thru a platform, it very rarely kicks you to the main menu loading screen like loading into the game.
Steps: Jump while a platform is above you, make sure to try getting inside the platform and not jumping fully up.
With jetpack it is easier to replicate it, just use the jetpack to jump and midair do the jetpack power while in the platform.
Today: 14. January 2021 at 20:29, I got kicked by a platform while doing deepnether and using jetpack. In-game name: FarmMiner

I think that’s been a problem in the game for years, I remember it way back when the Nether world was brand new.

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I thought I was the only one!
I have also experienced this, a lot of times, especially when I used to farm the Netherworld some years ago.

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It’s the anti-cheat kicking you because it thinks you are falling through a block.

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This can get quickly sad in the Black Tower.

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