Player bio suggestion

title is pretty self explanatory, when you hold click and check someones profile and lvl and all that stuff there should be an option where you can add a bio to your profile with your quests, lvl and name etc. if you dont know what im talking about heres a image of a profile

this would be useful for people to have a little description that they can change about themselves

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You’re female?

My bio gonna be like :sunglasses: :

:rainbow_flag: He/Him They/Them :rainbow_flag:

:rainbow_flag: Trans queer non conforming :rainbow_flag:

:rainbow_flag: LGBTQO+ Supporter and Activist :rainbow_flag:

:rainbow_flag:Pansexual Transhumanist :rainbow_flag:

:dog::two_hearts:Furry Lover / Fursuiter :two_hearts: :dog:

:heart::pensive:Depressed / Anxious :pensive::heart:

:orange_heart:Feminist / Pro-Women’'s Choice :orange_heart:

:facepunch:t5::fist:t5:BLM / Ant-White America :fist:t5::facepunch:t5:

:x:👮‍♂Anti Racist Pigs 👮‍♂ :x:

:no_entry_sign:👱🏻‍♂Fight the Patriarchy 👱🏻‍♂ :no_entry_sign:

:heart::yellow_heart:Anarcho-Communist :yellow_heart::heart:

:exclamation::exclamation::x:No Human is ILLEGAL :x::exclamation::exclamation:

:black_flag::triangular_flag_on_post:ANTIFA Supersoldier :triangular_flag_on_post::black_flag:

:no_entry_sign::gun:BAN Assault Rifles :gun::no_entry_sign:

:broccoli::leafy_green:Vegan living healthy :leafy_green::broccoli:





My bio be like:

:greece: HELLAS!!!:greece:
:bulgaria: Has a real language :bulgaria:
:macedonia: amongus imposter

I now vote bio’s shouldn’t be a thing in game…

You know what maybe bios wouldn’t be such a good idea…

This could be a beneficial and a harmful idea at the same time

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What if players can report harmful bios and mods can review them maybe?

Aka more work for mods when we don’t even have enough mods to begin with

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maybe get 2-3 more mods.


Considering that your usernames/familiar names/pet names are most likely stored on ROMs, I’d bet that once you set your bio, it’ll be permanent. Just like your username.

mine would be
“Oi what the *** do you think you’re looking at *** you *** **** ********************”

I think it would be unnecessary to add ngl, who goes thru the other player’s info that much

It wouldnt be any work to add it, its simple as creating a text gui and then adding it to the profile, it will be editable

Yet annoying when god knows what people will use it for

people use gms for bad stuff, what difference would it make for bio’s

It would add even more “bad stuff” then :rofl:

GMs are also used for getting people into your worlds and buying/selling items. I don’t think bios will be used for that. Also no one REALLY looks at other peoples bios. Forums have BIOs… do you look at other forumers bios?

p.s. I feel like you’re going to be cheeky and say you do… but do you really… -__-

the feature itself isnt useful, its just used as a little profile for people to see, like discord bios

Wait… Discord has bios?