Pro fishing tips plz

Does anyone know what’s the best depth, orb, liquid, weather, rod, gear and lure for every fish species?
For example(not accurate): This layout is best for kingfish: depth 3; orb: Winter orb; liquid: normal water; weather: Light Snow; rod: Bamboo superior; gear: pro fisher set; lure: Breadcrumb.

Rod and depth seems to be related so please say one depth only with specific rod. You can say multiple layouts about one fish specie, it’s very good and actually great if you do so.
For example(not accurate): Depth 20 for bamboo superior, depth 16 for titanium superior.

AS in BEST, I mean getting more profit(more gems per hour or per multiple hours). Not really necessary to get more of that type of fish. For example: this layout best for profit but if you want this specific type of fish as you do in tournaments then go for this layout.

AND Remember: Everything matters in fishing.* - said by Jake(game developer).


Depth: 18-19
Orb: alien
Liquid: clear water
Other info: Tuna likes ice
Rod: Carbon sup
lure: green/red glowing lure

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Depth: 13-14
Orb: alien
Liquid: acid
lure: black jig

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