Purchase Error

I cannot purchase pixel worlds that I downloaded from Microsoft store. What is the reason for this?

Do you have any payment details registered to the Microsoft account that you downloaded Pixel Worlds on? That’s the only thing I can think of.

There is a registered payment method, but normally microsoft would open the payment screen and we could add a payment method on that screen.You can make purchase ?

I’d recommend trying to make the purchase through Steam, that would probably be much easier.

but there is cheap in steam 2 dolar in there 5 turkish liras

Does this happen for all purchases or just specific ones?

this happens for all purchases.

what i can do now i need vip

We’re looking into this and will fix the problem as soon as possible.

Thank you for your attention, I hope you would reach a solution as soon as possible.

We’ll be releasing a hotfix for all platforms as soon as the stores approve them.

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Thank you very much, my problem has been solved.

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