Add memory so players don’t have each time to type, last 5 items what u have ordered as memorized.
So u can just click and choose.
I don’t know if this is needed when you can search off the items or write it so you won’t forget it?
This is to make Adding orders to Buy items faster.
Having Clan rank 8+ … u have 8 orders with VIP , at 10 u have 9 Orders each time to type is slow repeating that 8 times currently is soo slow
Typing items turns to order slot? I don’t get it…
He probably meant by selling their items one by one, not everything at once. Considering that per item usually has a higher chance to be sold.
I think he meant that you will be able to choose an auto order from your 5 last orders
Sorry, I’m still a little bit confused.
I can vote this suggestion 3.5/5 ( for now )
A recent order… hmmmm
Yeah last 5 different orders memory so u can set order without typing name of it.