PWE Suggestion make it faster

Add memory so players don’t have each time to type, last 5 items what u have ordered as memorized.
So u can just click and choose.

I don’t know if this is needed when you can search off the items or write it so you won’t forget it?

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This is to make Adding orders to Buy items faster.
Having Clan rank 8+ … u have 8 orders with VIP , at 10 u have 9 Orders each time to type is slow repeating that 8 times currently is soo slow

Typing items turns to order slot? I don’t get it…

He probably meant by selling their items one by one, not everything at once. Considering that per item usually has a higher chance to be sold.

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I think he meant that you will be able to choose an auto order from your 5 last orders

Sorry, I’m still a little bit confused.

I can vote this suggestion 3.5/5 ( for now )

A recent order… hmmmm

Yeah last 5 different orders memory so u can set order without typing name of it.