I really need to know about rare world names, what world names are considered rare?
I know that Trade and Buy are definitely considered rare just because people need a world where people can trade with each other.
What world names are so called “rare”?
I need like a big list or something with rare names so I can understand what’s rare or just some good examples. I am really bad at determining what’s a rare world name but people keep asking me even although I have literally 0 knowledge about what’s considered as “rare name” so please help me out learning about what’s a “rare” name?
My answer is my opinion based though, so it might be wrong, but I will give you some examples:
2-3 letters are rare
4 letters (JDUS, KEIB, LAPD, MEED, MMCI) are not rare, only if they are 4 in a row or have a meaning
Example of rare world names: Mostly every 4 letter world that has a meaning, SUPER, SUPERHERO, BREAKER, THINK, MUSHROOM, GLIDE, SUPERMAN, BROFIST, BUENO, CHERRY, EDUCATE, MYFARM, EARTH
Why are those rare and those others aren’t?
There are many reasons, I’ll explain some of them.
LOOKERS isn’t rare because LOOKER is not that rare already and it has an S at the end which makes it not rare. UNEDUCATED isn’t rare because it has “UN” at the start of it. EDUCATED would be rare. SUPERBOY isn’t rare because SUPER and BOY are random words just combined which doesn’t make it rare. SUPERMAN is not random so it’s rare. POOLPARTYING isn’t rare because it has “ING” at the end of it, if it was just POOLPARTY it would be rare.
2 Letter worlds are rare, examples: TY [2 Letter + Meaning = Costs More] HK [Normal 2 letter world] J7 [1 Letter + Number = Costs Less Than Normal 2 letter world], same thing applies with 3 letter worlds and 4 letter worlds.
Any words that exist in english dictionary are rare, examples: WALKING, DRAG, FLIP, HOLDING, CREATE. Those words vary in price and could be very subjective depending on the seller and the buyer.
Last but not least are Buy+ worlds, examples: BUYWORLD, BUYDRESS, BUYCOAT. Those words arguably hold the most value as those words have potential to be popular/active. Those words mostly depend on the quantity of the items and the popularity of the item which determines the worlds price.
Ok, how expensive are 3 and 4 letter worlds?
3 letter worlds with number(s) (NI8, M0C, S49, ML7, C8S) are 2 wls maybe?
3 letter worlds (NSI, MIW, LDQ, XRA, PRM) are about 10-15 wls
3 letter worlds with same letter twice (MMS, KKE, PJJ, XXU, EEL) are 15-20 wls
4 letter worlds (JSUA, NSJQ, NSOG, IEMW, NAOD) are worthless
4 letter worlds that have a meaning are usually worth anywhere between 5-50 wls
4 letters in a row (NNNN, OOOO, DDDD, RRRR, MMMM) I have no idea but I’m guessing 50 wls
correct me if I’m wrong
There are 5 types, example: HHH [3 Letter world with all letters which are same], CRY [ 3 Letter world with meaning], AMS [3 Letter world with just normal letters, cheaper than same and with meaning], GH6 [2 Letters and a number, cheaper than normal letters], Y52 [1 Letter and 2 numbers those are the cheapest 3 letter worlds]. Normal 3 letter world with all normal letters costs 10-12 wls
Okey but what price are random word worlds? Like: educated
and holding?
World names which have random English word as their names, how much are those?
depends on the sellers and the buyers its all subjective
Worlds like EDUCATED and HOLDING are not rare. Not every word in the English dictionary is rare. Rare world names are world names that either will attract other players without much advertising orsomething to do with the game and community. For example why would I ever want to visit a world called EDUCATED, just by the name I can guess I don’t ever need to visit it, but worlds like PWE, TRADE and BUY have something useful for me, judging by the name.
Two people could make the exact same price world, one called PRICE and the other VALUES. Although both are decent names, PRICE is the better one because its the most common name used in the game and in the English language to describe the worth of something. So without any advertising, PRICE will easily get more visits.
Also think about it from a person who doesn’t speak English well perspective. They are more likely to know just the basic English words like buy, sell, trade and such so thats the worlds they know to visit, as opposed to knowing similar words to those such as purchase, auction, barter.
At the end of the day its about how common the word is in the English language that makes it rare and the potential of people visiting that worlds without you advertising much.
If it’s memorable by the average caveman-brained player, it’s rare.
RARE is… rare.
Is the name JETSTRIKE rare?
Guess ENEMY is rare XD. I’m waiting for new pvp update so I can make some development on that world