Red robot with light saber and melted tin can armor. Is a dope name to me


but why? (20 characters)

Its new winter cyber robot cool guy, but pretty nice art

red robeltonics

Thought it was a hand at first.

he’s a chonker one ee

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Sick art!
Could i…
You know, make it a boss in my game?
I’ll credit you in the description, and you can choose a name for it
Heres the concept art


Sure! You can pick the name for yourself though, or use a terrible name that I’ve come up with, Photosphere 3000

Also wow, you can draw hands lol (You can see from my past arts I probably didn’t show a single hand)

I made that on scratch :sweat_smile:

I can show you how to draw hands tho(im not the best)

C3LTON :man_shrugging:

WOOOO, lets gooo another boss :sunglasses:

red robot with light saber and melted tin can armor. Is a dope name to me.

Thread title edited :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

:scream::scream::scream::scream: look it will attract 60 people just see