Sell Egghunter staff 2020

Selling Egghunter staff 2020 for 135k.
Can for a good offer too.


your offer?

Its most likely worth way more then 135k, since its almost gonna be 2 years old. It was also worth 1 pl, which was 50k bytes? Correct me if I’m wrong. But I would say the price range would be in the 165k-250k rang maybe a bit higher.

Well the age of the item doesn’t really matter in some cases, if the item is not in high demand it’s not gonna be too valuable either

For me, it is limited so it would be high demand if I had the money to buy. I guess it really depends on the people.

Yeah, well the frost cape was the first (or second) VIP item so it is one of the oldest items in the game but it’s still about 70k bytes
(I know this is a pretty bad example since there are way more frost capes in the game than any other VIP item)