Suggest blocks and props for tiers

Oooh, having a variety of the current wearables, but in diferent colors would be so cool. Nice prop concept!

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Untitled 12-12-2020 09-21-00
A Piston block that can boosts playerā€™s jump by +1 Block, it can be automated with wiring

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Lots of basic props such as a sink, freezer, Buddha statue, bear rug, globe, clock, fire extinguisher,ā€¦

For Sale Sign

Wrenchable Flag - displays whichever flag you choose. :ireland:

Pinball machine

Mailbox - you can leave donations with a message attached or just leave a message on its own. :mailbox: :mailbox_with_no_mail:

Quiz Door/Portal - Display a question and set an answer - enter answer to enter.

Colour Changing Block
Teleportation Block - When you stand on it you are teleported to a linked block - like portals

Star Block - Block with the outline of a star on it :star_of_david:

Muddy Water


Maybe we could have some Sport related props?

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Slot machine :money_mouth_face:

Arrow Shooter Trap ~ Shoots 1 Arrow

Golden Block, Iā€™m surprised thatā€™s not in the game, could be a new farmable which takes a lot of hits to destroy but it gives a few more gems than spike bombs.

So basically itā€™s Bling Bling Block but itā€™s a crossbreedable block

Well, itā€™s just an idea for a new farmable. But I think it would have the same colour as the golden toilet, making it different from BBB.

A solid gold block would be nice, the BBB looks slightly chavvy.

Gambler! Smile u donā€™t need to hide it we all have addictions

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Different rocks and materials maybe for example quartzite basalt different types of soil different metals aluminium block maybe

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Yay they added the gold block!

Too bad itā€™s just a recolored Marble. Still sweet nonetheless!

The blocks/backgrounds from Dynamic worlds like Secret Base, PIxel Station and Netherworld, not all but a few, maybe.