The game API

will they make a public API for the game? I don’t have access to the game everytime and don’t really want to login just to see if any of my PWE orders and sells are filled cause it takes more effort (well you can call me a lazy person if you want), so I want to make a simple app just to see your PWE orders and sells and also browse the PWE for items.

what is your opinion on this?

Blud they can’t even add new features to the game why would they make an API :sob:

This would lead to people putting their passwords in the app for the app to use a bot to check the pwe for the player, on their behalf, and this? in the wrong hands? people are alreadii SmArT enough to put their passwords in “Byte Coin Generator” Websites… one fake version of this, and it’s another wave of “I lost my account after checking my item values” to support mail…

Just scrolled for a bit and > Just as i stated, it could lead to people losing their account in similar ways to this guy, and boom… Password hacked - #5 by MIISS