Theory: The admins are just trolling us with the lore

We’ve spent the past year (possibly even 2?) into finding clues relating to the lore, regarding ADE, flaming shards, RW, or the pixelmines room.

However, then they drop a hint that ADE was a massive red herring and to stop poking around that world.

And considering that new lore hints are still being added during updates (the cryptic boxes with monolith parts, and now milk), it seems that the admins are dangling the lore in front of us every so often to keep us focusing on something that isn’t even finished yet.

Also, speaking of secrets and lore…

Back in GT, there was another lore-like thing, which went from people trying random phone numbers, through finding all 4 pieces of a QR code, to then finally finding out that you need to set a specific portal in a specificly named world to a specific destination and using it.

However, GT’s “secret” feature was added in 1 update.

based odrashek (20 characters)

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this lore is better


They lore is unfinished we all know it. The problem is that they didn’t even gave us clues where should we go after that.