Untradable World Locks

Me when people ask why i don’t like bytes


People can still buy bytes for gems yknow

way less than 95% have wrong prices, even middle-class items are unstable in PWE

The value is always gonna be balance because you can see it, everytime.

Make it 90% correct then, even 85% was still in really good.

This really helps people to choose to check an item first, if that unstable just don’t buy it.

I suppose the main reason it’s unstable is it’s not the main method of selling items. Hopefully by the time it’s stable all prices will somewhat be reasonable. And yeah, the checking item prices is regardless super useful to all players.

Benefit Untrable World Locks

  1. Hold inflation
    Inflation like in Growtopia [ Rich people have 10,000 Wls ] not gonna happen in this game, because of taxes. might happen but really really slow

  2. No more World lock for real money
    Jake says it hard to track buyers because the seller method is dropping World Locks in the random world so the buyer can take it, with Byte Coins the seller and buyer must meet and trade make it easier to catch and track.

  3. Not Growtopia lookalike no more
    Now we have our own currency which is really dope.

  4. Quest and Recycle
    There so many quests that give Byte coin and Recycle will be really good.

It’s definitely gonna took time for us to get used to it but when we finally do get used to it, this might be the thing that happened to the game.

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Why are there so many threads about this, one thread for this topic is adequate.

Because this topic/update is really gonna change everything, im speaking the future of this game.

The reason this game might be last either 1 - 2 years or 10 years.

What I think is the only con in making bytes the main currency :

  • You have to learn math

And it has benefits (Said by some people)

  • Make the less confusing by making ONE main currency instead of two
  • No more dropgames
  • Gives 1-2 more inven space
  • other stuff

People who can’t do math will quit? Probably not, I mean it’s basic math ; multiplication, subtraction, etc

The whole math thing is a good point. As it makes buying smaller quantities of values far easier.

And well hey learning math and trends in economies is really interesting.

Even if you bad at it, like 80% of all item is correct and displayed just beside the item.

It’s bigger than just stoping scam or getting inventory is about saving this game from inflation of World Locks, inflation is like cancer on MMO.
Guess how many people buying world locks for 3500 gems every day 100-200? no one knows making inflation will come early and destroy the game, just like they did in Growtopia, an item can cost 80 Wls and drop to 3 Wls like WTF.

How does byte = reducing inflation? I kinda just don’t get the relation

Gib example

The PWE taxed duh…

No more World Locks duh…

That the entire idea.

Still don’t understand how tax can reduce inflation at this game, can you give me like a diagram (Like this : a --> b --> c)?

And I also don’t get what buying wl with 3500 gems has to do with inflation

You not trolling me right? How you not get it, is really simple.

  1. There will still be byte inflation
  2. People do bytes for money and they don’t really track them to begin with, but that’s meh
  3. The wls still exist though

Why would I troll? I’m only asking for :

I just don’t understand much*

More World Locks in the game making it Less valuable, that like the meaning of inflation.

When people got so many of them, the value is descreased.
Same reason why Dracula Cape is Expensive and Pixie Wing is not.

With byte coins, yes inflation will happend but it’s slower because of taxes and not a block form, World Locks is a Block that somehow become currency, World Lock has not tax while Byte has.

But we already have as much bytes as we have wls and taxes don’t help much since we earn faster

I think I still don’t get it