Use email recovery to not being hack

btw i see someone got hacked
i ask him what happen he said he forgot put recovery email and got hacked
he can’t enter his account
so make sure put your email in the game so you can change the password :smiley:
so sad for that guy

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There is always a warning after making your ign. It’s his fault for not putting one and that account will not be recovered.

Recovery email only helps if you forget / lose your password. Not really helping you if your password is weak and someone gets to your account that way.

To not get hacked is pretty easy if you follow these:

  1. have a complex password that is impossible to guess (not related to your account name etc.)
  2. do not use the same password in any other service / game (if it gets leaked in there it can be used in PW)
  3. do not write / tell the password to anywhere except when logging in PW (mod applications / free gem forms etc. that ask for your password are ALL fake and aiming to get your account hacked)
  4. do not download any suspicious apps or software to your device (downloading and using hacks will most likely get your own account hacked)

Stay safe everyone!


not me that got hacked but someone. thx for the information :smiley:
i even don’t know endlesS reply to my topic :sweat_smile:

How do you even get hacked? Unless you clicked some suspicious pishing/malicious links or some keylogger.

number 2 is a quite common.
as a caution,
you can use the website to see if your email/password may have been exposed in some database leaks.
Stay safe :+1:

not me that got hacked btw,yeah someone dm me he got hacked he does not doing anything

Data breach moment :flushed:

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