Vending Machines vs. PWE

In my opinion, the Vend system is definitely much better than the pwe system, because when the game develops too much, there is nothing to do, at least if this logic is in the game, the game will protect the number of players and the players will not have trouble finding something to do. Also, since the pwe system will be removed, the competition will increase because people will sell their items in the worlds and this will increase the competition. so i think the game will gain more players (sory if i wrote wrong anything i used google translate

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Jake actually covered this in a video showcasing items that never got added.

PW had a concept for vends called a “sell-o-mat”, but if I remember correctly Jake said they decided the shelf it in favor of the PWE system since it allowed all players, from basically anywhere, to interact with the market.


Exactly. Vending machines or something similar to it would basically mean that pretty much only players who can afford expensive buy+ worlds would get an advantage from vending machines, meaning the rich get richer and the poor got less ways to get rich.

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The vending system is just the pwe system but limited to a single world

No. I absolutely hate buying and selling my items in GT because of vends.

Buying is kinda easy, just use “buyx”, however SELLING? Nope. You literally cannot sell your items in GT.

Yes you can, you just ask a player to buy the item and there you go, you sold an item!

In which world? Nobody wants to buy my items.

Never will be, PWE is active permanent and u can sell and buy in anytime anywhere…
Growtopia Vend machines doesn’t belong in Pixelworlds.
PWE system balances and makes everyone possible to sell it wont limit items selling and prevents Buy&Item controlling and name using … like Ghustie wrote.

yes this is true but what will players spend their bc on when they are rich, like me, most people play just because there is competition in such games, I think this game will start to not be enjoyable after passing a level of development and most players will leave when they get there, but if there was a vend system, people would be more interested in the world. The game that will want to collect will be able to set new goals in front of people and this will ensure the sustainability of the game in my opinion.

Any world, mostly the buy+ worlds since most of the vend items are overpriced.

I think access to pwe can be made easier. The pwe system is a well-established, beautiful system.

All the BUY+ worlds for my items are empty.

Rich people spend their bc on expensive items. If you’re rich it is pretty obvious why you’re using an account with random numbers as a name and talking about vends. Quite self explanatory isn’t it?

I played gt for 7-8 years, my name was 2815 in gt and I was a rare name profiter. I had a total of 10+ bgl and my biggest dream in the game was to buy a really beautiful rare name world, walk around while people were trading, and watch the newcomers try to talk to me for 2 months. first I got banned because of my brother’s stupidity. I’ve been playing pixel world for 1-2 weeks now I have a total of around 120k b. I earned it by fishing and doing a little bit of trading. I’ll start not buying then you can say go play another game, but there is no third game like gt and pixel world on the market, by this type of game I mean competition and not a risky game, so I think the vend system should be introduced so that people like me and myself who enjoy winning rather than spending are not bored. At least when the bc is more, we can increase our capital by stocking the world to earn more, that is to enjoy. We will learn and we will not get bored of the game, my personal opinion is that

I don’t even want to switch worlds to worlds to just buy an item

I already liked the current pwe, just search and there you go someone is selling one

Ah, so we have another person who thinks “Rich = Fun” huh? Trust me, even with all the bytes you’ll get from the vending machine, you’ll get bored of the game eventually.

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Everybody uses their brother as an excuse


Rich getting richer by owning farmers and buying contractors … sounds hes using that.
120k in 2 weeks possible but i would suspect fishy if he didn’t spend irl money in game.

Whole suggestion sounds made by GT player who have no intention to learn PW and why its so awesome… bad ideas like WL vend machines never belong in PW.

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Vend in gt only can sell 1 item every vending machine

while pwe can search up alot of items in just a single pwe machine

If you guys hate vends and never want them in the game, I have few ideas that could make PWE better. Vending machines imo are always superior, but you guys seem only to care about making profiting harder, like you despise everyone who their goal is to get rich. (yes shocking, people have different way of having fun than you)

  1. Let’s say someone has 999 large rubies, nobody wants to buy them all at once. It’s going to take so long to sell them and constantly putting 40 rubies each one sale again in pwe, because of the limit. So let players choose how much of the specific item they want to buy, like only 40 from 999 stack. Maybe even allow selling more than 999 items at once, like max 9999.

  2. Increase the limit of how many different items can you sell in pwe. Idk honestly how much exactly, but if you think there’s a problem of people making alts and spamming, to sell something in pwe you need to have like 35 (or more) level minimum.

  3. Make the rows smaller so more items will be shown on screen.

There are things you can’t fix with PWE. Let’s say you want alien decorations… rarely anybody sells them. Vending machines would allow people to make for example alien booster shop with every item from it. Ofc you can advertise your shop using global messages, cause they are cheap as hell.

I don’t know honestly why I am writing all of this here, because I know this community is full of people who for some reason hate anyone who puts more than 2 hours into the game and wants to achieve anything. There’s a reason why people don’t want to play pw and most players are 12 and less year old kids.