What do you think about school?

Hold up, are you telling me YOU were HugeLock the whole time? Well, nice to see you again, if so.


I actually got banned on the Growtopian forums once, prior to creating “HugeLock”-account".

To be fair, I deserved this. If you play Growtopia, just keep in mind that they snoop on your accounts.

Thank god, I don’t know where I would be if I wouldn’t have been banned.
I also pride myself in the fact that not once did I Kusta silmään (Piss in the eye; cheat) of someone, like is accustomary for Growtopia.

Ironic how your account was named HugeLock, and locks were what lead to you getting banned.

Why there is no “School is hell”?

Why people voted “School is important”.
The romanian school sucks , full of math and stuff.
@bulina dunno about u but I am doing math level like 10 grade , while I am 8 .-.

The locks weren’t what lead to me getting banned, it was purely the combination of my actions and their snooping.

Your took those actions because of the monetary value of diamond locks, therefore locks were a factor that largely contributed to your ban.

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The diamond locks didn’t lead to my ban.

My actions did. Diamond locks were just money.

How did you sell your diamond locks? My brother’s friend sold his diamond locks and didn’t get banned, I think he got about 200$ (But I dont recommend to do it in PW, that would destroy PW)

Just look at these comedically easy English exercises, which my English teacher wants us to “Learn”.
These geniuses who run the education system in this country have thought that it’s a good idea to teach beginner English to 9th graders.

That’s probably because nowadays we have the internet. The education system hasn’t changed much resulting in this test being really easy.

Personally, school was alright. It wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t the worst. It taught me a lot of valuable life lessons which I think top everything else that I learn (Shakespeare :eyes:).

One thing that I can take out of school as a positive is the ability to interact with others and the social skills I gained from it. Plus, I’m sure some of the topics I learnt about will come in handy one day or another… I hope.

Here’s another comedically easy Finnish exercise. I don’t understand why I need to translate the words from Swedish to Finnish before using the correct form.

Since I’m Estonian, I can only understand like 10% of it. I think 8th is a proverb.

Uh same I didn’t know we’re from same nation:0

What grade is that? Also my reply to the english questions : I don’t think everyone understands english too well, in my class only about 4 students (Including me) can fluently speak english, I think it’s how it started, for example I had a friend that probably speaks and watches english a little too much, basically now he/she(I’m not telling the gender) speaks english very fluent and the language sometimes get mixed up because of his/her main language being said less than the second one

Ei onni tule etsien, se saapuu eläen.

“Luck isn’t found by seeking, but by living”

I actually meant 10% of the words not 10% of it but I can’t edit it