What is this block called?

i need help, and thank you in advanced.
(ive search it on pwe, but found nothing) an how is this obtainable?

ruin tiles,

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Isn’t it ruin block?

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it is made by crossbreeding beige brick and dungeon wall

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You can crossbreed it and buy it from PWE, it’s called Ruin Tiles (I wonder why not Ruin Blocks or Bricks).

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thanks everyone, ive been finding one and neverknew whats the block name.

im quite sure there is 1 button shows u the list of blocks u used in PW TOOLS when u press it something like this appears:
-30 glass tile
-160 ruin block
-1 pwe
-16 Cauldrons
ok thats a big example im sure u get it

i basically have no idea yet on the tool, trying to find that.