What the.... (Rude People)

First picture : As you know I borrowed a Pickaxe from Kaluub and I got gems from it, and I hold my will to waste it for booster and so I decided to sell it, and on the first picture I actually don’t know the price of mgems and fgems, and I put 9k gems (2250/1) and he didn’t even give me a chance to actually fix the amount since I didn’t knew it first, and I said “I’ll add extra after the trade” But he keeps thinking i’m a scammer, sounds like he’s been scammed a couple times so he doesn’t want to be fooled again, but this just sounds rude and paranoid

Second Image : I’ve calculated 13500 gems (2700/1) after counting it in PixelMines, unfortunetaly, this person thinks I’m wrong and he’s right, I would’ve accepted that if he was nice, I could have counted it back, but he keeps saying “Nab” “lol”

I really don’t get some people’s personalinity :l

some people are like that , but just ignore them and find another buyer, just calm down you can sell you mgems, just chill for a while ,or do nether to release your anger XD . and lastly if they do like that just dont react , just walk away they are not worth to talk to :slight_smile: ,

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Photo from Nexed’s post here

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I don’t know about you, but I definitely won’t trust someone who says that they will add more after the trade.

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Well yes, but he wasn’t patient enough to say “Can you just drop it in a world?” It’s like he wants to expose a scammer rather than buying Gems

???I’m confused by other people???

No, he wasn’t looking to expose a scammer. He was doing what every sane person would, which is to be careful with everything.

In my six and a half years of Growtopia and Pixel Worlds, the absolutely most important rule is not to trust anybody that you don’t see in real life on a daily basis.

What was the point in this thread? Besides he said almost nothing wrong.

Ignore them if you must. Also. Picture number 1 looks like someone who has trust issues. Like me.