The only thing here that surprises me is why you thought to have that as a username.
People are interesting…
(20 cars)
^ old friend of mine who was also in the old forums
Not taking it as racism since i don’t know much about him… but still surprised me.
Honestly… I’d say my own username, Syeira. I guess I just wasn’t creative enough to find other usernames that could’ve been valid, I might’ve been missing out. But either way, even if there was a way to change your name, I wouldn’t change my actual username :v
I see cat diluc is makin work
lmaoo indeed he is. So far not many people realized who it was in my picture. I’m impressed.
I noticed immediately xD
Cultured human
oh yes that’s true! Plus I saw you own him already, which is great xD
Dragonspine in 1.2 go brrrr
I once had a username called “PogChamper”. Lost the password shortly after.
That’s tragic…
Pogn’t moment