What was your worst punishment in school?

I got too many in the past but nvm I will still list all of them, hopefully I won’t forget any lmao

  1. Principal’s Strike because one of my girl classmates slapped me, so I pushed her on the ground
  2. Class Teacher’s Warning because I accidentally pushed school computer on the ground, it was already standing on the ground and nothing happened to it but I still got punished lmao
  3. Principal’s Strike for vaping at school
  4. B from behavior because I yelled “btch” at one teacher
  5. Class Teacher’s Strike for copying homework
  6. Principal’s Strike for copying homework for 2nd time and I also got B from behavior for this at the end of the school year

So yea that’s it lmao kinda messed up I realize that

Edit: And also like 100+ teacher’s note for inappropriate behavior or for not doing my homeworks lmao

You get punished for copying homework? Here we have homework copying clubs and the teachers just don’t care.

Lol i make money off people copying my homework, 20 cents per subject and about 10 people a day for 7 subjects, 1.4x10 14 bucks a day lol

profit 100


Its mainly for science tho, most people don’t do their science so thats generally the one i earn about a dollar for a day.

Lol, I wish I could make money off that. They only copy my homework because I’m one of the “smart guys” and I let them to do so.

If I start charging then they’ll just go to another smart guy.

Lol. I’m only good at science, english and history, they go to someone else to copy for correct answers, but some come to me cuz it might make teacher sus.

They don’t even bother with copying math tests/homework.

One time, my teacher decided to call 2 “dumb guys” to the blackboard and give them problems from a recent test.
They didn’t solve that or had an entirely different solution, and then the teacher came and wrote on the blackboard what they wrote on the test.

Their “solution” was bad attempts at solving, followed by the correct solution that they obviously got from someone. So they just gave both of them F’s.

The whole class was put into detention because of a few students getting low marks on a test.

They didn’t tell us our marks before our detention finished.

Most students including me had a high score.