Whats your Lucky to Unlucky Moment in PW?

Well to me, back year 2017 I bought many lost souls thinking positively to get the Cthulhu Wings, I played many black tower and finally, When finish the black tower the prize was cthulhu wings. Im shock and take a screenshot then back the game Posting in ig, and I forgot that i didnt claim it so im hoping that i didnt dc but it does. Yeah Rip me :joy:

Whats your Lucky to Unlucky Moment in Pw? Share to us!

Well I found a 2 letter decayed world sold 210 wls that was pretty lucky

Luckiest moments
Getting. Legendary from the black tower

Unluckiest was getting hacked in 2017 and losing dp ooooof

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My luckiest days in pw is getting an abyss sword in deep nether.
My unluckiest days in pw I mean irl? is when my computer’s battery got broken for no reason. Now I can’t play pw.

Luckiest probably that i win 5Pl ina giveaway because the owner quitted.
Was really lucky. But that was long ago.
Unluckiest was that i got hacked from a random guy and got scammed, so I had to change acc
with out getting anything from my old one. rip my old acc :sneezing_face:

luckiest moment when i was getting tridentist shirt with my best friend IN ONLY 2 secret base
unluckiest moment when i was a fisher get legendary puffer fish and get scammed

Luckiest prob getting Torm mask in btower. Unluckiest, didn’t remember actually


Luckiest: Got water wyvern at wheel and keeping it for 2 weeks
Unluckiest: Wyvern droped to 15 pl > 6 pl

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Xd thats sad :joy: