U guys know which clan reached lvl 10 first or second?
Dark redemption, was first clan, I was in 5th light clan when it reached lvl 10- Zeus.
Darkness Clan
‘‘Logo’’ beneath name is just Dark
you guys know when they got lvl 10?
i actually upgraded to lvl 10 first day i started playng pixel worlds
cool but i meant what time did the dark clan get to lvl 10
btw first day htf did you do that?
1st was dark redemption, i know before they reached to lvl 10 daily requirement was 200K xp in day or you just get kicked, very strict rules.
2nd was space clan.
and 3rd was royal clan
also do anyone have seen any members of following level 10 clans:
octo clan
Zeus clan
Surf clan (upgraded recently)
i saw members of these clans more than half year ago.