Why am not unbanned?!

cool help in the game, straight in general, either they answer or not, ahhaah

You’re gonna be lucky if they respond in a month :roll_eyes:

Really bad support in this game.

There were a lot of people banned + the support was never fast

@RetNos soo, really bad support in game.

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In other games, fast support, but no in pixel

lets say you are support team, you get idk 10 quadrillion mails? can you reply them all at 8 days

RetNos cannot do anything. Don’t get salty and play another game that is as grindy as pw… COUGH…COUGH … Gacha games

this isnt other games, go play them then.

Hah, no 10 quadrillion, think 200+ yes, am can reply

Like genshin? 20 character

Robtop ( Geometry dash)
once sent a picture of his email inbox.
480k + unread mails.
Just be patient

give me your mail address lemme mail you 200+(it is probably like 1k+ messages but anyways) and go response them

S t o p. The support is slow, it’s slow and it’s slow. Talking here won’t change it. There’ve been many other threads for bans like these. Support will look into it, remove the duped items, then unban you, it takes time. No need to be on fire

@RetNos E N D O F S T O R Y.

Wow ok… soo much replies when it was not needed…

If you emailed support to appeal your ban and you didn’t got an anwser, just wait you are not the only one in this case :wink:

(I still can’t believe there is 30+ replies for that kind of thread lol)

But anyways wait, admins need to review the ban of 100+ people so it takes some time, you can’t speed up the process, just be patient ok? :smiley:

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