Wooden Platform

Wooden Platform can be used for lots of things.
However to make wooden platform you need
To Splice :
:diamonds: Wood Block Seed + Magic Stuff Block Seed = Wooden Platform.

:diamonds:To Make Wood Block You Need To Splice Lava Block Seed + Soil Block Seed = Wood Block.
:diamonds:To Make Magic Stuff Block You Need to Splice Marble Block + Obsidian.

Thank you for sharing these at the forums, also. welcome to the forums, @Vuwn!

That’s what I just needed, thank you!

Kinda random lol but ok…

This changed my whole pixel worlds life, thank you so much for sharing this and welcome to the forums! :grimacing:

I was actually just about to search this up
thank you, and welcome to the forums!
Make sure to read the rules. Enjoy foruming.

No Problem 1NB4 Have a great day.

No Problem Duke thanks for reading

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No Problem MarkAngelo wish it helped you

Tysm , I will try my best to make new posts

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@Vuwn Tip: You can highlight other people messages and use the quote feature to reduce the amount of replies to give.

so i can:

Say hi to him

Acknowledge that

tell him he’s welcome

and say thank you to him, all in one message.


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didnt know about that thanks

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