Your opinion on Stellaria

I’ll be off topic, but At growtopia, gay means happy. Should I stop trusting their jokes?

Sorry for some bad words incoming*

You’ve got to be shittin me, you’re saying they first stupidly chose the mods and admins, then they’re ripping off the game? Stellaria Literally Farded :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

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I knew it was gonna be a hard ripoff of terraria,starbound and pw and i was kinda fine with that but the fact that their community is so garbage thats just… yikes

I literally don’t get what’s inside the mind of the devs that made them literally hire mods from GT which are mostly probably even kids, even if they’re like 15+ they’re as 1NB4 said, attention seekers, well goodluck to the actual good mods of stellaria, you’re going to be doing all the work :nauseated_face: I really feel sorry for the actual good mods

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Honestly it doesnt matter if they are kids since quqqo was a good mod when he was young

Well yeah but in general, most kids these days are not a good candidate for moderating, but yeah, thank you for the actual good mods in Stellaria If there are actually any

Well, atlest you released them. It’s ok to say it but not to do it always or to tease it with someone. But I’ll stop acting like your mother. :slightly_smiling_face:

I guess I’ve watched too many Kitchen Nightmares

I accept and respect a mod, at any age. As long as they don’t use their title to seek attention, acting like their above.

I really hate people attention seeking.

If Gordon saw the game (sorry for the criticizsm) he would’ve said this game is RAW

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They took “inspiration” from a lot of games

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OHHHHH NOW I KNOW. i like that they changed their name, Pixel Planet is WAYYYYY too generic

Beta??? Do they have a macOS version? I can’t be bothered to try it on my buggy Windows notebook…

Who is Charon? :thinking: sus

I don’t know, but you can download it directly from their discord server.

the problem is I can’t use Discord because of personal issues ;-;

Game beta version is currently available only to windows computers if i am correct, you also can’t download it from discord browser version.

well, at least the art is :ok_hand:

The art is lit but the community is

I should stop sending more hates on the game since I only seek peace

I love this community :slightly_smiling_face:

i stumbled upon this video charon is in it