2FA ACCOUNT SYSTEM (2 Step Authentication)

I’ll be making a poll below this post

I have a game suggestion, I was going to suggest to put into place a 2 step authentication/verification on our in game accounts, maybe have the option too. Self explanatory really. It will also boot player count because people who get hacked won’t ever be discouraged about playing the game anymore. Once they know their account and their precious Items are secure and safe and sound they will keep playing more often and not be afraid of hackers/getting their accounts hacked or even their items stolen. Unless, the hacker has a powerful hacking tool where they can bypass the 2 Step Authentication. But, that’s a small chance. But it will stop other players from being afraid to get their items stolen/hacked and a boost of confidence to keep playing the game normally without incidents.

I want you guys to answer a question for me in the comments below. Would you guys feel more safe playing the game with 2FA on your accounts?

  • Yes, add 2FA to the game
  • No, don’t add 2FA to the game

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