About the Wiring Contest category

Add your Wiring Contest entries to this category!

Remember to include the world name, your in-game name, and a photo of your world.


Can we submit multiple entries?

Can we submit Wiring Contraptions we “published” (as in publicly showcased or made available to use for the public player base) before the contest’s announcement?
If not, can we still submit Wiring Contraptions made before the announcement, that were never “published”?

Do we have to show the Wiring behind it publicly? (I hope we do not, I don’t want my contraptions to be stolen for things I absolutely despise, like P2P)

Is efficiency (as in clever/useful solutions and minimal amount of Wiring relative to the contraptions features) something taken into account when the entries are judged?

Is the visual design of the contraption something taken into account when the entries are judged?

Which post (assuming by post you mean topic) is the “correct post”?
The announcement topic? This topic? A topic that is yet to be made?

@Siskea I’m sorry to tag you, but (at least to me) these questions are pretty important, so I hope you can give answers to some of them :smiley:

Hey, no problem!

Yes you can submit multiple entries.

Yes you can submit ‘published’ worlds. It’s maybe even good to do that because you can have other players test it to make sure it all works :smiley:

No you don’t need to show the wiring behind it publicly. I will go to the world and check out the wiring but no one else needs to see it if you don’t want them to.

Efficiency won’t necessarily be part of the judging in terms of minimal wiring, but I will be looking at obviously how well it works and how clever it is.

And yes, visual design will be taken into account :slightly_smiling_face:

If you want to submit the worlds via the forums and not Instagram, you can just post your submission with the ‘wiring contest’ category. You don’t need to post it to this thread.

Hopefully that answers all your questions! Let me know if it doesn’t and I’ll try again :sweat_smile:

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Yes it does answer them :smiley:
Thank you!