"AdmIn System" - good designs or not?

Last time, I posted a design of a possible ban screen for my game, and you gave feedback for it. Now I want to get feedback for the other elements of the AdmIn system.
Again, these are just quick images made in a program.

Login screen.

Main Menu. All of this text is a placeholder.

Ban searching.

Ban search results.

Ban Details
I will update this post with extra AdmIn screens.

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Yes, thing itself is pretty good, only needs designing.

also: i didn’t know you are making a game.

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I wish I was making a game. I don’t know anything about coding or stuff. I’m just making these designs for an admin system for it.

Buttons and stuff are in right place imo, just really, really needs design.

It’s good to have dreams, my man, I always have a dream to become an astronaut then I realized it needs so much money, 8-10 years of schooling, and you need to be the part of the 1% people who is smarter than the entire world.

So I stop dreaming and become a gambling addict.

mmo sandox/rpg is the hardest type of game possible to make.
its nice that you are designing stuff, but don’t get your hopes up because 9/10 times these ideas never come to fruition.

yea the design looks good, considering the fact that it’s just a low-fidelity. you should try to make a high-fidelity one with all the colours, backgrounds, button designs etc.

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