Alright about that F gm

So, recently F just gmed

(Image by Celics)

He says: “Subject 10 escaped!”

Now, let me give you my theory on this


So what I think is Subject 10 might be a new player in the Lore. We do not know who is Subject 10 and when we will see more of him but I believe he might come in the form of a new npc or something like that.

Also his name is Subject 10, making him the 10th subject made so he is one of the earliest subjects while us have names such as this: Subject_13d294

I am thinking one of our NPCS that are currently in game is Subject 10. No clue but I am suspecting Satyr the Shark, the newest one.

All in all, we hope to see more in the future as the pieces come together.

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I fell that the GM is just a troll, and doesn’t relate to the lore at all. If it related, it would be announced more often than just once.

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You never know actually, they can just drop tiny hints about it since it is stuff like that

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