(Ask me anything)

I’ll tell you, it’s sawcon deez nuts lmao


no no no you got me damn

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I love you man keep it up here

Am I an idiot who says ‘‘kaluub is pro’’ in every bt run after every prize + start and end + when he enters HALLOWEENCASTLE?

What do you think about PWAC?

Uhh i do not know. So ima say probably yes.

Idk its something ,…

Wat are your views on the CRPW and PAU?

Have you ever heard of sugondese

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PWAC == PW Anti-Cheat.

I think its too secure

Idont really know bout these…

Not this time… i aint falling for it twice .

What is your favorite:

1.) Wing
2.) Familiar
3.) World to go in
4.) Weapon
5.) Item in general

Whats your favorite item in pw?
Can you translate wooden spoon into hungarian? (If not use google translate)
How long have you played pw for?

Can doneit :pleading_face:?

1: wings of the deep
2: heart
3: Trade
4: that blonde hair from hair pack 5

3 years and im busy i cant now