Autoboss during Nether Boss Event?

I’ve seen many many… MANY players using some sort of an automatic boss finder during the event, but no one else seems to be talking about it. Is it forbidden, or what’s the deal with it? I think it’s pretty unfair and takes the rng off from finding the boss.

If it is software helping to find Nether Boss easier, then it would fall under the category of being illegal.

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it is not unfair for them :sunglasses:
seriously though nobody is talking about it because what is there to say? nearly everyone is aware of such thing and usually when a normal player spots such player they sure would not mind getting an extra box
I am not sure under what circumstances it is legal and or illegal to remain in the netherworld if a player like that is in it but since you did not tell such player to use cheats in order for you to receive a box as well it should possibly be fine , better ask a pixel worlds game moderator that may provide valid information

Autoboss is some software ig since there’s no potions or perks for it, so it should be illegal, since it’s not an in-game asset ig. But you are right about it not really being unfair, I guess I just phrased it kinda stupidly =D also autoboss gives the effect of elixir of flame, which is pretty much just not that fair considering the software should only be used for finding the boss, not making it easier to kill it =)

It’s not fair. This is 3rd party software that gives you advantages in this game, and it is against the rules. Using it risks a certain punishment, for example a ban, and even a perma ban. I personally do not recommend using it, first of all, viruses are also included when downloading, which can cause you to lose your account and property to hackers. Second, you risk losing your account. All in all, it’s unfair to others, and not worth it, which means it’s illegal.

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it’s funny how people argue over how fair a literal hack client is because yes that’s what autoboss is, one of the many features of known hack clients for pw

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There is no such thing as a “Hacked Client” because the answer to that is “Client”, which doesn’t exist. There are only different 3rd Party Softwares to cheat.

I did not say that it should be used I am talking about the players whom notice a player using it

Ofc you didn’t, this is your first message on this topic.

that’s what a hack client is bruh, a hacking 3rd party software

Hack client is in minecraft, clients are legal in there, but not the hacked ones. In PW you can’t have an hacked client.

Do you even know what I mean by client? because it seems like you don’t. Any hack program or mod menu in any game is called a hack client no matter the conditions.

It’s not, it’s called 3rd party software.