Barn door prop

ive ever seen this door, is this glitched prop or like a unreleased prop orrr am i just dumb?

Unreleased but one exists

how? (20 characters)

No idea a friend showed me.

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also theres the walls and the seeds for them

I actually think someone has the wall too

also theres wheat too

Jake traded a barn door prop back in 2017 on stream for familiar food if I remember correctly.


There is a scarecrow prop in the pwe too.

It’s an unreleased item traded by Jake onto the players, their idea was to add the doors onto the game probably, but didn’t end up doing so. So the people who got it tried farming them and ended up removing most of them from the game. There are still some, but it’s very very very rare to find somebody who still has it.

Only one exists in game for now.