Best Set

ikr it made no sense!

The Posh set team winner

( or the party one) this is NOT posh

Mr.coffieplay’s set was much better

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Mr.coffieplay is the jet item contest winner

I hope this is not Posh. It is nothing like posh compared to what I saw. Its just people trying to flex

The main reason for that is probably non-english speakers, some people don’t know the words


People don’t wanna read it and just wanna flex

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Sci-fi theme not Posh

Why would you play a game with millions of players worldwide and don’t speak english

Because not everyone speaks English, and the game hasn’t been localized to every language, so for many people, that’s the only way they can enjoy Pixel Worlds.

Well that might be it.

When I started playng pw in 2017 I was like 12yo and didn’t know nothing about english…

its just players not comprehending that its suppose to be a set competition and instead try their best to flex their wealth. you will occasionally see sets that fit the theme though and to anyone who actually follows the theme. You are a god.

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I think the other reason is because eventhough the game has an age restriction, kids still play (Just like me about 3-4 years ago)

Not saying kids are dumb, they just have less knowledge about some words like “Posh” etc

Best Set contest be like:
You got EPWR? Yes? Congratulations, you won the contest!


:rofl: :joy: :joy: true

I dislike random sets just thrown at you and you have to vote, even if neither of the sets match the theme. Eventually a person who doesn’t do the theme will win I think


My last time I checked on best set thing was when it released, I don’t care about it much because its such sad if set wins that doesn’t match…

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Also, I can’t think of any ways to stop this foolery, on the other hand skipping votes isn’t too bad but players can exploit this and on the other hand if the Devs don’t stop this many players will abandon this feature

Skipping votes :
Cons = Player Exploitation
Pros = No more EPWR winners

Not Skipping :.
Cons = More rich winners, players abandoning the feature
Pros = Nothing lol

Maybe the Developers might have to pull out V O T E S K I P P I N G , but maybe we have to add a limit to the sets we skip


i think the problem is as i said in a thread i made noobs like shiny and big things thats why dark pixies and dracula capes dont win they may be expensive items but noob dont realise that.I propose a level 40 barrier

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