Big poll: 21-25 fzeusa + moose

  • RetNos
  • MoosePW

0 voters

I forgot one more, moose, added you now.

  • Fazeus
  • Duckduckgoles

0 voters

  • Fazeus
  • Greenwolfe

0 voters

  • Fazeus
  • owner of heaven (god)

0 voters

just asking
  • Still fazeus
  • stars that get promoted to mod become starfire1174’s

0 voters

consider voting
  • fazeus
  • Duke of the forums

0 voters

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I thought we were done with retnos, how does it even work now am confusion

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I mean he’s zeus so he’s still supreme god don’t get me wrong :roll_eyes:

yes, but dumb me forgot some people.