Biggest Announcement for PW


My opinion is that Tomorrow in the LIVE stream you will hear maybe the biggest news/announcement in PW history. You will not want to miss that. Tomorrow at 18:00 Finnish time (Check the start time countdown from in game). See you there!


I’m speechless. You cracked it and served to us on a silver plate. We can close this thread

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i’m sensing bad news…

Every single situation would lead to a total destruction of PW.

Kukouri was bought? We lose Jake, Dev, EndlesS.
PW2 is being developed? Cool, so PW1 is going to be discontinued.
PW is being shut down? Self-explanatory.

Actually if they buy Kukouri then people from Kukouri don’t disappear, they just get new funding (even tho there’s more that and they’re gonna be pushed around). I don’t think they’re shutting down PW

Aren’t they already funded from the EU?

Those funds are probably gone by now :pensive:

If a big company buys Kukouri, the ONLY DECENT outcome I see is Kukouri Network being implemented.

But most likely that’d be transforming Kukouri into the world of corporate greed, THAT kind of greed where we permanently lose all communication with Jake and P2W is implemented. Look what happened to GT.

I hope not but depends who buys it. Like I said on DC, if Chucklefish buys it that’s actually good, they are publishers most times

Imagine Microsoft buying Kukouri.

“If you won’t merge your PW account with a Microsoft account, you will lose access to PIXELSTATION and most features, until losing access to PW entirely.”

I don’t know, I’m actually kinda hyped for tomorrow. Don’t know what’s gonna happen but we at least get some news

I’m actually kinda scared of tomorrow. I might be pessimistic, but seriously, don’t let PW become Growtopia 2.

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We’re getting there but in bad ways. There are good Growtopia parts to copy but they’re not happening

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Maybe instead of the nether well have a Heavens area to hunt . i myself am hoping for new recipes hasn’t been any new ones in such a long time

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Another abandoned feature it seems :confused:
I locked AETHER years ago waiting for them to add cloud blocks lol

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My wife thinks that pw will drop Apple pay and we’ll be able to trade gems i myself dont see this happening i mean witht the whole byte shop and all

jake said biggest update news not biggest tragedy


Idk why but I have a strong feeling they sold it

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From earlier today (after said announcement was posted):