Bus driver teaches history and does sightseeing for locals in Finland

Bus driver teaches history and does sightseeing for locals in Finland.

I only recorded for around five minutes. My brother got onto the bus when I got off, and told me, that the bus driver continued for half an hour more.

I have had this bus driver multiple times, always interesting.


a busdriver teaching everyone like a teacher in one ride, this is very rare. very wonderful!

* finds ephus’ face *

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Hilarious indeed. He always swears in frustration when the lights turn red and the bus is behind schedule. I have no idea how he isn’t fired for it yet.

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he is swearing? not teaching? wdym i am now confused.
‘posting swearing videos in le forums is a big :x:

This video has no swearing. In this video, I think he is releasing his frustration with doing some sightseeing.

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im sure this would be funny i if i spoke finnish :sweat_smile:

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I’ll translate it today.

nice ill watch it then