Buying Un Named Boggrat

indeed i am my friend indeed i am =)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: best one yet dude nice i love it

bruh i have seen better ones lmao you cant even make a meme just shhh let the pros do it not some boy named light XD

lmaooo nice better then lights own XD :sob:

Why are you crying
Whats with the sob emoji

what exactly is boggrat!?

Boggrat looks like a lighter green gremlin or something

oh am sorry i didn’t know i cant use emojis anymore

its a pet a green pet but i spelt it wrong and everyone is now triggered and turning it into a meme at 1st i was mad then it got funny ngl

yeh what this dude said light green goblin mouse thing i just liked it

He never said you shouldn’t use emojis he said why did you use that emoji.


so why cant I? is it because I am not welcome or is it because of the rude responses I am sorry if that is the case I didn’t mean to make it so I just use that a lot that’s all but if I have to stop using it here to keep peace let it be so

Bruh you can use emojis :joy:

It seems like you don’t even understand what I’m saying.

Sometimes the sobbing emoji is used to show pity for someone, or mock them.
For example, “You’re pathetic :sob:”
I think that’s what’s happening here.

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no no i do am asking cause i dont want it to turn into a meme or is this another advice?

this thread is silly :blush:


You’re going off the deep end and spamming the thread because of some harmless memes, get thicker skin man
The passive aggressive attacks are not necessary


um do you play on pc?
