Byte Coin 3D


Oh damn thats actually cool

It looks kinda accurate and unique at the same time.

Nice name man lol (20)

Siiigghhh only 1 bytecoin :roll_eyes: Soooo poor

Looks awesome though

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3d print it. Then if i buy stuff with it, am i illegal trading? cuz i’m trading real money for bytes, buut bytes are IRL so…

Now, what’s on the other side though? Been curious ever since the Bytecoin was released. Another B?

Pixel Worlds should consider selling this as merch. Byte coin keychain, anyone? OH WAIT I KNOW, IT WOULD WORK GREAT AS A DRINK COASTER!

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:b:yte Coin


Currently waiting for Ondrashek06 to complain how you didn’t make a wl instead of a byte coin


I can’t reveal that secret unfortunately… Some say when you combine all the shards from ADE it shows you whats on the other side of the Byte.

Finally the use of ADE shards :slight_smile:

I swear you need to email Kukouri and tell them to sell this thing as merch. I would die to get a physical bytecoin

Give me the file as either .STL or .OBJ, and I can 3D print it.

Nice, its basicly bit coin with no steroids

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I honestly wish I could 3D print stuff… Sadly we cannot afford even the cheapest printer and “upload a file and have it 3d printed” services are sadly only offered to major businesses

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The best cheap printer is the Ender 3, which is 162€. A spool of plastic (1 KG) is around 13-20€.
I bought my printer (Ender 3 pro) in May 2020, when it was at 245€.

The “Send a file and have it printed” is almost like a scam. They charge you a ridiculous amount of money for half an hour of printing and 10 grams of filament, which costs 10-20 cents.

This criminal in Finland used the same exact machines as I have, to print firearms with carbon fiber nylon plastic. I have it, I could print the guns myself, given I get a barrel from somewhere.

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ok â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â € â €

They’re expensive if you just want to print random stuff, but if you’re a designer that works in the industry they are essential. Its very important to test your prototypes when working on projects.

I would like to eat it.