Card battle is rigged and stinky

Why card battle isnt balanced :triumph:

The Excuses:


im just not battling because if i lose once i am one league back

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Card game doesn’t have to be perfectly balanced because if it was balanced it would be like chess, it would be just stale and no new strategies would be developed or “metas”. So I wouldn’t say it’s rigged but it definitely have issues regarding “RNG” where it greatly affects the experience in general. Update right now is just a little unbalanced but that is good since it wouldn’t feel stale and anyone has a chance to win even someone who just plays casually against someone who sweats.

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I rather play chess than an stinky cards

Sure but that’s only you, no need to be forceful and I was just sharing my point of view.

Seems like a really big skill issue to me honestly

What’s wrong? I don’t see anything rigged and stinky.

Yes! Its because your too pro and can afford powerful cards and having 999 luck try using power 80 cards or less and try facing discard

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You can make a 60 power discard deck (calculated the minimum power needed) and still win if you start the match. And sometimes even if the opponent starts the match. It’s about 75% win rate.