Clans need this

I was wondering if other people have this problem, Ok so you finally did it and have a level 10 clan, but the experience counter on players disappears, it no longer continues to grow. I am running into the problem where maybe some of my clan members quit playing PW altogether.

SO i suggest that clan tabs either show you the last time a player has logged in, but this can spoil world lock decays or make it so the experience counter continues to grow. If anyone else has a suggestion other than what I could think of please respond to this thread.

There’s no real way to tell if someone in your clan has quit playing. These people are taking up the spots of other players who are active and wont make your clan chat soooo dead.

You could make a system where every player has to write “here” In the clan gc every week so you can see who’s active.


I used wiring that lets players punch a block that resets every 2 days, gave them access to it, that’s how I figure out who is active.

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but some people have things in real life to do and could be missing weeks at a time and using a sl with lights got too demanding of my own time. Great advice guys