Decaying worlds , pets and what happens

why plural ? in the whole history of pixel worlds there has only been one blind auction so the correct way to say it would be “there was a blind auction once”

The world with everything in it are gone from the community as she will never release whatever there is to release.

Not all people are using it and only becaus you ain’t lucky you shouldn’t say that :nerd_face:

  • admins should deal with hackers. No hackers = no problems :>

I couldn’t care less for couple byte coins in a dying game, it is unfair for people that actually care and never want to use any hacks.

And yes, developers should take care of all the rule breakers not just the hackers but they don’t care enough to actually do it. People will keep playing the game and the developers will continue earning money anyway so why bothering.

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I agree wirh you 200%

Fake news my man I get hundreds of valuble decays a week ppl are just rly salty xD

also even the hacker has to have some skill in order to find the world.

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What’s your in-game name ?

I also get them and agree with your skill reply - for me numbers are going up

But I also believe this is going on

I don’t like the fact that siskea (or anyone else ) can just decide to claim a world. A battled out free for all is how it should go down …

I visited the Al Bundy farm that day.

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Wafflelord xD

Wasn’t it wafflelord122?

Yeah just ignore that last thing

So sad to see how so many people out there have no idea what is actually happening in the game, but know just about the banal superficial things. You would be surprised to know how easy to get hacks are and how many people actually use them.

Thats kinda admins fault. They should deal with hackers or even try. E.g. Hacker is just chilling in pixelmines, everyone is reporting him but no one is coming. So how can we even speak that there is problem with hackers if we’re not even trying to deal with it?

Oh i get hacks offered to me on adaily basis, discord insta and in game. The hackers are usually just bad at the game so they turn to that. Also most of the hacks are just trojans