Devs know 100% better than I do, but here is my opinion

I don’t really know the reason why kukouri is not hiring more devolopers atm, if the issue is financal I believe that it’d be solved by adding an item on store that costs money once again (like how they used to do in every update) and I remember Jake talking about it on a stream, he said that they’ve made good amount of money from those items that made them be abled to make a lot of google advertisements + made them have a budget to sponsor growtopia youtubers.

Maybe adding an item to the store that costs money would also help them hire new devolopers.

If the issue is not financal, then there is nothing I can say about it.

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The situation is much more complex than you think.
Firstly, adding more developers does not fix everything instantly. Adding new members to the team can actually slow things down at first because the new developers are learning how everything works. This can actually take surprisingly long time.

We’re unsure how many members the team currently has but what I can say for sure is that the team is lacking something necessary for producing updates. What is this exactly? We don’t know. But then again, Jake was able to recolor items without being artist, I doubt that artist is what the dev team currently lacks.

This all sounds bad but think have been looking more positive lately. As Siskea herself said: “as a small team that was transferring between the old dev team and our team now…” WAS is the keyword. They already have a new team. Also, other good news:

“I’m hoping we can have new items this year for halloween, no promises but working on it”. What does this “working on it” exactly mean? It obviously can’t mean they take three months to recolor items, this proves my point further that the development team is missing something else than artist. Maybe it’s true and they don’t have an artist hired but that might be because they have no use for an artist right now.

My theory is that they lack a proper programmer and therefore are unable to publish any updates, since there is no-one on the team that knows how. It is entirely possible that they’ve already hired a new programmer and he/she is still learning things. I think Siskea and others have been trying to build a new dev team for the past three months.


But it is the first most important step they need to take

In my opinion it’s definitely an artist, Jake is good at editing, that’s why he could recolor, it’s pretty easy but for halloween I’m quite sure no one’s going to accept recolors. Don’t know much but I do think they would really have a use for an artist, I mean they have Bbricks to code stuff but yes one programmer is too little to code a whole update and besides that without an artist, an update can’t really happen (Except bug fixes and maybe quality of life changes if that’s considered an update)

Easier said than done.

It baffles me that these people are getting paid for their jobs to be honest.