Discord ban appeal

Hi, I have been banned on discord for probably like 3 years now maybe, and I do not remember why I got banned. So if there are any discord mods reading this thread, could you please add me on discord and tell my why I got banned? Maybe even unbanned? My discord user is: gintarastas

Please appeal at support@kukouri.com

Actually, to appeal bans from the discord server, you can message one of the Discord moderator of the server or by joining this server:

Note for @Mynamesucks, support to not take care of bans on the pwg server x)


I also got randomly banned from that server, pretty much also 3 years ago for spamming or something, the ban appeals won’t really help you unless you’re some known player that mods know, you need to be in friends with any mod to even get somewhere, that’s why new mods and admins that we got now are all connected with previous mods and admins, basically they all are friends who promote each other.
Only people who have been unbanned in the past year are people who have mods or admins as friends.

I got a false ban and they gave a bullcrap explanation that they wont unban people who have a certain amount of warnings, despite the fact that a former mod claimed all of those ancient strikes were removed.

I went to the unban server and they had the gall to tell me this, while The only mods who I thought cared, did nothing but make subtle jokes at my ban. Not a single one of them addressed it, or told me why I was banned.

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lmao i also got banned withoiut reason like 3 years ago but year later ban ended

yeah, but when i press write a ban appeal, it shows me this

same, when I tried to tell them about my false ban they basically banned me from making appeals