Discussion: Legality of Auction Game in PixelWorlds

I wanted to start a discussion regarding the legality of the auction game within PixelWorlds, as there have been some concerns raised by players regarding its compliance with the game’s code of conduct and rules.

Under the Code of Conduct and Rules

Rule #6


it is stated that activities such as gambling, casino games, drop games, and other games of chance are prohibited. Some players argue that the auction game falls under this category due to its elements of chance and uncertainty in bidding processes.

Rule #9


Highlights that scamming other players will result in a ban. There have been instances where players have expressed concerns about potential scams within the auction game, such as owners scamming hosts, using fake alt accounts to inflate bidding prices, or secretly exchanging bidding items

I believe it’s essential for us, as a community, to engage in a constructive discussion about these concerns.

Here are some points to consider:
Q1: Do you believe the auction game in PixelWorlds violates rule #6 of the code of conduct and rules? Why or why not?

Q2 Do you think there should be clearer guidelines or rules regarding the auction game’s operation to align with PixelWorlds’ code of conduct?

Please feel free to share your thoughts, experiences, and suggestions regarding this matter. Your input is invaluable in fostering a fair and enjoyable gaming environment for all players in PixelWorlds.Let’s discuss and work together towards finding solutions that benefit the entire community.

Best regards, Conducive

Note: The poll results will not show the voters to protect their privacy.

  • Legality of Auction Game in PixelWorlds
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

in case you don’t remember, there was a point in which the old developers hosted auctions for worlds and they were even worse because those auctions were blind so it really was close to gambling therefore it cannot be illegal

Nah, the rules of the game were changed after all that. In fact after most of those Devs had gone…

The illegal thing was something they pushed about a yr to 18 mths ago

As for the ops qu. ? For me anything that can be manipulated should not be legal … basically naive players end up getting scammed…

Remember if it says ‘trusted’ in their pitch for whatever it is, then believe me when I say ‘by whom?’ .
The only one who trusts most of these players is their mum :joy: