"E" key on mobile

since mobile players don’t have an access to an E key like on pc, I came with an idea like this

here is a demonstration
this also solves the problem where mobile players can’t interact with any items placed on the edges of the world.

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  • imagine playing on mobile

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i think its useless honestly u dont need another punch button on the top of the normal punch button

they will probably change how it looks if they decide to add it in the game. mine is just a demonstration.
did you even read the whole thing?

oh i just understood what u meant to do witht hat punch button

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Just in the way Touchscreen Controls an be enabled or disabled on PC, this button could also be enabled or disabled on mobile, so that anybody who may find it distracting can disabled while the people who would make use of it get to enable it.


TIL that you can interact with items by pressing E on PC.

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