Email verification removal

I created my account around 2000 days ago and through out those days my cousin added and verified his email on to it and he unfortunately forgot it so now all that floods my thoughts for these past few years is my account safety is there any way to remove an email without authentication on behalf of his email?

No, you need to verify your current email to change it.

It has been unfortunately.

The email has been verified but I can’t access it to reset the password as my cousin lost it.

If you made IAP (In-App Purchase), send to support ( the receipt and write that you want to change the email.

Where may I find and save and send this reciept?

Just going to note this purchase was authorised on IOS.

If you bought something, you surely got a email. Just take a screenshot of the reciept and send to support, it will do.

Yeah already done just going to wait until further notice.

I’m in the game everyday.

I have examples of just about all the blocks (not alien ones) and organized storage so can easy take a pic or three If you need something specific …