Forum Appearance Broken?

Ok just a minor thing but my forums is stuck in dark appearance. I have it set to light appearance yet it is still in dark mode.

Yes, I already tried changing it to dark then light again and no, that didn’t work.

It’s not device specific as it’s dark mode on all my devices now.

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thanks, this comment really helped me


Do you have some sort of setting in your device’s settings that makes everything dark mode? Hope this helps more. (I know you said it’s not device specific but you may have this set on multiple devices)

No. I use light mode on my devices because it looks cleaner for my aesthetic. Dark mode looks funky and besides, this dark mode doesn’t even help save battery because it’s not pure black for OLED displays…

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I tried to change my forum appearance to light mode but it changed to a sort of aqua/cyan color, if this is what is coming up for you it may be just how it’s supposed to look when in light mode.

Light mode uses white and blue. Right now, it is a light black and blue. I’ve been using light mode since the forum came out and it has been white.

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I have the same issue.

Oh, so I guess i have the same issue then.

Ever since I started using the forums in January 2021, it has always been dark mode.

Have you considered the fact that maybe, just maybe, that is because you have had it set to dark appearance since you started on the forums?

The forum light mode was never this dark colour up until yesterday.

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I doubt I changed the settings. I dont even know where to look to change it

Well, perhaps you should check if it’s set to dark appearance. A quick google search and you will find out how.

I’m not the only person experiencing this so one of the forum admins must’ve changed the settings.

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Well i hope they can fix this, as on my tablet there is BLACK text on a BLACK backround. Which if you don’t know, you have to highlight what you want to read, which is a bummer.

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Hi Desti,

I think you have dark theme extension in your tablet browser, no?

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just saying, this has not been fixed yet.

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still waiting for this to be fixed.

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refer to my previous message

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how about i make pixelworldsforums 2 with no issues and custom emojis.
what the forums SHOULD be like :.(

What’s up next Pixel worlds 2?

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bump. still waiting months for things to be fixed as usual.

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