FORUM GAME muhahaha

So I’m doing forum game inspired by @Duke i know most of u will hate me for this but I’m tryin to make forums FUN :star_struck: Here is the link to dukes one:Dukes Post

OK so here r the rules Rules

You start out by saying three words which will continue onto a story line. Each post should only be three words, and they must make sense in order for them to apply. The story line will branch out into a large scale story, and the direction of the story is dependent on the person who says something after you. You can also change the story line to your own likings by posting three words of your own.

Remember, your words must make sense in conjunction of the prior three words, though the mood does not have to be the same, nor does it need to be serious in any way, though Forum Rules still apply.

No punctuation other than commas within the words, not at the end or the beginning of them. It might make the story line be said differently. Periods may be added at the end of sentences, but only when they are fully complete.Again Thanks to @Duke !!!

I’ll start:

Once there was…

Once there was Family of eggs
(I forgot the mame of sega game mehhhh😩)
(Redacted it was a “fantastic dizzy”)

Who ate squid :squid: :squid::squid::squid::squid::squid::squid:

//can i continue if i already created one part?

and turned into…


Yes u can @TNMOXA also @Retnos Ty for deleting the argument!

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dark potassium cyanide…

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Which had a . . . . .

Stage four cancer. . . .

But decided to. . . .

Hatch as dinosaurs :t_rex::sauropod:

*And run away * . . .

To eat some…

milk from the . . . .

Sacred milk fountain. . .

Tastes of chocolate …

Shrek teeth that . . .

Don’t like chocolate

*Are we on the same theme ? :grin:

When on a . . . . . :smiley:

jet with cactus (20 Characters)