Game Crashing

My pc is open the game when downloaded it from microsoft store but i was download my pc Windows 8.1 and that isnt have microsoft store. i found the game in steam but the game crashing always. when i press alt + tab the game will crash, and gives white screen. how to fix it :smiley:

I find the steam version to have really poor server connections

Almost always 3-4 mins after boot up it will crash and struggle to get reconnected.

It’s so predictable i am careful about what I’m doing shortly after start up. …!

If I’m on a computer i prefer the straight windows version …

My pc is old, if i download windows 10, my fps is go down. So i download win 8.1 but that havent microsoft store. so how can i solve this. :smiley:

Id upgrade to windows 10 and then id fix graphics setting+personal hz seting on the pc to improve fps and smoothen you’re gameplay