Giveaway sweetheart sword!

And yet I never do clickbaits, I don’t like to let down people’s expectation by making them believe something unreal, and if you would like to know more about me, you can ask :slight_smile:

yeah ik, i did youtube as well.
but proabably only 20% of subscribers make their subscriptions public.
and even then, theres no random tool to pick a random sub. You would have to enter every single name manually into a randomizer online.

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Make good detailed contents comadre.

I literally agree with you.

Lol… the title


I love your vids lol teach me how to edit

dude this was 3 months ago, the giveaway probably ended

this one is soo old , giveaway has ended haha

lmao i noticed that after i made the post

wdym serxan already has more than 1k subs lol

Yeah, didn’t the giveaway end already??